$Client_Name = 'Incredible Productions'; $Client_Subject = '[IP] Contact Form'; $Client_Emails = array('carol@incredibleproductions.com','bonnie@incredibleproductions.com'); require_once('recaptchalib.php'); define('PublicKey', '6LfId0wUAAAAAG_9s3yoHm9Azv6YS0xLP5GAj98t'); define('PrivateKey', '6LfId0wUAAAAAFTEVlNnUlfYtCk0XSKwv7UibHwZ'); function validate_email ($address) { return (ereg('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'. '@'. '[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.'. '[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$', $address)); } $gooddata = 1; foreach (array('Fname','Femail','Fcomments','Ftitle','Fbusiness','Faddress','Ffax','Fphone','Faddress','Fcity','Fstate','Ftime','Fdays','Fhours') as $Fkey) $_POST[$Fkey] = stripslashes($_POST[$Fkey]); if (isset($_POST['fromform'])) { if ( empty($_POST['Fname']) || empty($_POST['Fcity']) || empty($_POST['Fstate']) || empty($_POST['Fzip']) || empty($_POST['Fcomments']) || empty($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]) || !validate_email($_POST['Femail']) ) { $gooddata = 0; unset($_POST['fromform']); } if ($gooddata == 1) { $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha(PrivateKey); $response = $reCaptcha->verifyResponse($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]); if (!($response != null && $response->success)) { $gooddata = 0; unset($_POST['fromform']); $error_message = 'The Not-A-Robot verification failed.'; } } } if (isset($_POST['fromform'])) { $message = "The following online comments were submitted through the $Client_Name web site on "; $message .= date('M d, Y') . ' at ' . date('h:i a'); $message .= '. Name: '.$_POST['Fname'].' Title: '.$_POST['Ftitle'].' Business: '.$_POST['Fbusiness'].' Address: '.$_POST['Faddress'].' City: '.$_POST['Fcity'].' State: '.$_POST['Fstate'].' Zip Code: '.$_POST['Fzip'].' Phonee: '.$_POST['Fphone'].' Fax: '.$_POST['Ffax'].' Best Time to Contact: '.$_POST['Ftime'].' Days to Contact: '.$_POST['Fdays'].' Between Hours: '.$_POST['Fhours'].' Email: ' . $_POST['Femail'] . ' Comments: ' . $_POST['Fcomments'] . "\n"; if ($_POST['Femail'] == 'not provided') $_POST['Femail'] = $Client_Email; // email all recipients foreach ($Client_Emails as $Client_Email) { mail($Client_Email, $Client_Subject, $message, 'From: '.$_POST['Fname'].' <'.$_POST['Femail'].'>'); } header('Location: thankyou.html'); exit; } ?>
Producing Meetings, Conventions, and Events since
Thanks for visiting Incredible Productions' web site. Please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your project. From custom live shows to celebrity performers, theme parties to corporate entertainment, decor to comprehensive lighting & sound packages, we are a full service solution to your production puzzle! if (!empty($error_message)) print ''.$error_message.' ';
elseif ($gooddata == 0)
print 'Some required information is missing. Please see the notes marked in red below. ';
can request further information by filling out the following form. |
"I wonder if Incredible Productions has a show about cats?" |
Phone: (214) 350-3633
E-Mail: info@incredibleproductions.com Web-address: www.incredibleproductions.com Mac
original cartoon artwork found on many of our web-pages was |
Productions Dallas,
www.incredibleproductions.com |